WPRI12: WPRI 12/RWU Poll: RI voters back abortion bill, concerned on housing

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) - Nearly half of Rhode Island voters support a proposed bill to enshrine the right to abortion in state law, and most are concerned about housing costs, an exclusive WPRI 12/Roger Williams University poll released Monday shows.

The survey of 407 likely Rhode Island voters finds 49% support the Reproductive Health Care Act, a bill that would give women the right to have an abortion until the fetus is viable, while 32% oppose the measure and 18% are unsure.

The high-profile legislation has divided the Rhode Island Democratic Party's pro-life and pro-choice wings. Supporters say a state-level measure on abortion is necessary as President Trump seeks confirmation of his second appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, but opponents including House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello have questioned the need.

The landline and cell-phone interview poll was conducted Saturday, July 28, through Tuesday, July 31, by Fleming & Associates of Cumberland, Rhode Island. The survey has an overall margin of sampling error of plus or minus approximately 4.8 percentage points. Fleming has been conducting polls for WPRI 12 since 1984.

To view the complete article, visit WPRI 12

Courtesy of WPRI 12

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