What's Up Newp: Senator Metts: ​What the pandemic has shown us, and where we go from here

By Contributed - May 9, 2020

We face unprecedented challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which also revealed the alarming disparities faced by our most vulnerable populations. The old adage remains true: “When the economy gets a cold, the Black and Brown community gets pneumonia.” It's time we examine and correct the unjust socioeconomic, structural and systemic factors that are at the root.

Becky Pringle, vice president of the National Education Association and co-chair of its school to prison pipeline task force, said it well when she said, “Structural racism is actually the preexisting condition that destined us to be where we are; our communities of color are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.”

The disparities in education, economic development, housing, health care and other areas at the root of the disproportional effects of COVID-19 on minorities have also been exacerbated by it.

To view the complete article, visit What's Up Newp

Courtesy of What's Up Newp
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