Westerly Sun: Students organize a gingerbread fundraiser to help the homeless

By Catherine Hewitt Sun staff writer Dec 7, 2018 Updated Dec 7, 2018

STONINGTON — Working with graham crackers, vanilla frosting, and marshmallows, 50 elementary students did their part to help the homeless at a gingerbread house workshop Thursday at Deans Mill School.

The event raised about $360 for the Mystic shelter known as Always Home. It was organized by the Stonington High School student government and facilitated by the Deans Mill student senate.

Matteo Panciera, 10, a fourth grader and student senator, who was helping students in grades K-2 construct their architectural confections, said he liked the symbolism of the project. Participants donated $10 each. “I think the gingerbread houses are a really good way to raise money for the homeless people because we should be grateful if you have a house or a place to live,” he said.

Panciera also said was learning skills from the high school students, who circulated around the school cafeteria, instructing the student senators on how to help the workshop participants.

“The high school students are doing a good job of helping,” he said. “We're learning that it is good to help kids and you should do things to try to help other people, like being in the student government and student senate.”

To view the complete article, visit The Westerly Sun

Courtesy of The Westerly Sun

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