Valley Breeze: Some call for affordable housing mandate near train station


By ETHAN SHOREY, Valley Breeze Managing Editor

PAWTUCKET - Some in the city are advocating for a requirement that any development within the new 150-acre Conant Thread District surrounding a coming commuter rail station include at least 10 percent of the project as affordable housing.

A majority of members on the City Council seem to oppose making this a mandate for residential developers within this Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) zone, saying such a move could set up an instant roadblock to what the city is hoping for around the train station, which is transformative redevelopment of vacant and abandoned properties.

City Councilor Terry Mercer, head of the council's ordinance subcommittee, said he agreed last week to forward the proposal to a future full public hearing of the council, but remains opposed to it.

Courtesy of The Valley Breeze

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