Uprise RI: Second gubernatorial debate of 2018 fails to resolve affordable housing crisis

The second Rhode Island gubernatorial debate of 2018 took place at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Warwick. Five of the ten currently announced candidates attended: Spencer Dickinson (Democrat), Matt Brown (Democrat), Giovanni Feroce (Republican), Bill Gilbert (Moderate) and Paul Roselli(Democrat).

Invited but not attending were Governor Gina Raimondo (Democrat), Allan Fung (Republican), Patricia Morgan (Republican), Luis-Daniel Munoz (independent) and Joe Trillo (Independent).

In the front row of the audience, experts on housing were assembled, as “instant fact checkers.” The experts were retired communications consultant Gary Morse, millennial radio host Tyler Salk, Brenda Clement, director of HousingWorks Rhode Island, Melina Lodge, Director of Programs for the Housing Network / Community Housing Land Trust at the Housing Network of Rhode Island, and David Caldwell, whose company builds and remodels homes.

To view the complete article and watch the debate, visit Uprise RI

Courtesy of Uprise RI

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