Uprise RI: Model: Nearly 800 RIers experiencing homelessness to require emergency COVID-19 accommodations

“People who are unsheltered face unique barriers to prevention strategies like sheltering in place and physical distancing as they are highly mobile. This is further compounded by a lack of access to basic utilities - running water for hand washing and basic hygiene, and even electricity to power devices.”

A model from researchers at University of Pennsylvania, Boston University School of Social Work, and UCLA projects that at any given point in time nearly 800 Rhode Islanders experiencing homelessness will require some level of emergency accommodations due to COVID-19.

The interactive model was recently released based on an April 3rd report, which estimates the emergency and observational/quarantine capacity needed for every Continuum of Care (CoC) in the country. Projections do not account for the ~30% of Rhode Islanders experiencing homelessness as part of a family unit. Families and children were excluded from the report because they tend to be sheltered in private rooms, not in congregate settings.

To view the complete article, click here

Courtesy of Uprise RI

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