The Valley Breeze: Scouts camp out to help homeless

SMITHFIELD - Focusing on helping women in need, members of Girl Scout Troop 922 graduated from juniors to cadets last Saturday, Sept. 15, after earning their Bronze Award.

The Scouts' Bronze Award project centered on helping homeless women, applying what they learned while earning their Savvy Shopper Badge. Using money raised through fundraisers throughout the year, each member made two “blessing bags” for the women at the Community Care Alliance in Woonsocket.

The girls needed to spend wisely trying to get as many supplies as possible with the money they budgeted. Each bag was decorated with inspirational sayings and contained hygiene products, such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, tissues, shampoo and conditioner, and of course, Girl Scout Cookies.

“The kids there all wanted to try our cookies, they were really excited to have them,” said 11-year-old Scout Haley LaChapelle, a 6th-grader from Gallagher Middle School.

The girls visited the center when they dropped off the bags and saw the hardships homeless women and children go through. They met a 5-year-old girl who told them she would like to be a Girl Scout too.

To view the complete article, visit The Valley Breeze

Courtesy of The Valley Breeze

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