The Valley Breeze: Council will hold separate meetings on affordable housing mandate
PAWTUCKET - The City Council is planning a series of meetings on a proposal to require 10 percent affordable housing in the new Transit-Oriented Development district around a coming new train station off Main Street.
Councilor Terry Mercer, head of the ordinance subcommittee, said this week that the council will hold a pair of meetings tonight, May 1, separating out the affordable housing component from the rest of the planned TOD zoning ordinance.
At 6:45 p.m. at City Hall, the council will begin discussing all aspects of the TOD ordinance other than the inclusionary affordable housing component, said Mercer. It appears all previous issues with those aspects of the ordinance have been ironed out.
At 7:15 p.m., a workshop of both the ordinance and economic development subcommittees will “start the ball rolling on addressing the proposal for an affordable housing component to the ordinances,” he said. The entire ordinance was previously sent back to both committees for further review, and Mercer expects the committees to vote separately on sending the “bulk of that ordinance back to the floor” at the next council meeting.
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Courtesy of The Valley Breeze
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