The Narragansett Times: Town looks to expand housing opportunities with 'Home Style SK'

Community initiative will help determine local housing needs

By ANDREW PEZZELLI | Contributing Writer

SOUTH KINGSTOWN -- The Town of South Kingstown has begun an effort to ensure that everyone n the community has the opportunity to live in the types of homes that best suit their needs. The "Home Style SK" initiative, which requires community engagement, will help the town determine exactly what its housing needs are.

In January of 2018, the town's Planning Board and Affordable Housing Collaborative (AHC) expressed interest in using funding from the town's Affordable Housing Trust Fund to obtain consultant services to update and modernize the zoning ordinance with regard to inclusionary zoning and multi-household development.

To view the complete article, visit The Narragansett Times

Courtesy of The Narragansett Times

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