The Block Island Times: Letter to the Editor

Issue, issue

To the Editor:

Just a few notes of wonder and questions from the “Resident Island Pundit.” We have two ignominious failures at the Town Hall level that stand out. Many more that are present, but there are some just below the radar, such as the $60,000 cost per pupil at the school. Then the $8,000,000 internet.

We do own the Power Company now, I think. By “we,” I mean the town, but some question that. There is a President of BIPCo in place at a great salary. Somehow, a Board to oversee the workings just can't easily be put in place; mishandling of ballots at the Town Clerk's office and BIPCo, new ballot mailings where your name and a numbered ballot means everyone will know how you voted. Our bills have been about 25 percent less than under the McGinnes regime, for which there is nothing but confusing explanations. But this month (September), it dropped 100 percent from last year. Then we read a letter in The Block Island Times from the President that we were inadvertently charged the winter rate during a summer month and will get another additional bill for the difference. Knock knock, anybody home?

To read the entire article, visit The Block Island Times

Courtesy of The Block Island Times

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