RIHousing: Statewide Housing Planning Update

Thank you for your participation this past year in the planning process for the Consolidated Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the Annual Action Plan.

Despite COVID-19 associated delays, these documents will be posted for public comment starting on May 25th. You will be able to review them at http://ohcd.ri.gov/ or https://www.rihousing.com/public-information/

If you would like to provide comments, please submit them to Alison Neirinckx at (401) 457-1149 or aneirinckx@rihousing.com.

The deadline to submit comments is 12:00PM (noon) on June 8, 2020.

If you require a hard copy of the any of the plans, please contact Alison.

Additionally, a public hearing will be hosted online at 5:00 PM on June 3, 2020. You may join the virtual hearing via:


or by phone at 646-558-8656, using Meeting ID: 845 8669 1729

Thank you for your input into this process.


Brian DeChambeau

Manager of Research and Evaluation

Courtesy of RIHousing

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