RIHousing: Announces HomeSafe Program Funding

Application Deadline: 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 10, 2021

RIHousing seeks proposals from eligible applicants to administer a cash assistance program directly to eligible households through the HomeSafe Program. The Program is an initiative funded by the Affordable Housing Trust with the intent to provide one-time financial assistance to low income households facing a short-term housing crisis, in an effort to prevent homelessness and preserve housing.


Non-profit and for-profit organizations, public housing authorities, municipalities, faith-based organizations and community housing development organizations are eligible to apply.


Proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis but must be received no later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Please submit proposals electronically, including attachments, to: Jessica Mowry, Assistant Director, Leased Housing and Rental Services at jmowry@rihousing.com in Adobe PDF format or Microsoft Office files (word, excel).

No proposals will be accepted after 3:00 PM on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.


Complete submission requirements, eligible activities and funding criteria are found in the HomeSafe Program RFP.

HomeSafe Program RFP
HomeSafe Program Guidelines

Courtesy of RIHousing

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Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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