RIHousing: 2019 Annual Report: We'll Get You Home

When people ask us what we do, our simplest response is this: we help people find, rent, buy, keep and build homes. In essence, RIHousing's mission is to provide a range of housing options that Rhode Islanders can afford.

Our 2019 online annual report shares some of the innovative ways we were able to help thousands of Rhode Islanders achieve their housing goals last year. As you'll see in the report, we didn't do this alone. We relied on a vast network of strong partners and state leadership to develop and implement programs that meet the housing needs of our state.

To view the report, visit RIHousing.com

Courtesy of RIHousing

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One Empire Plaza
Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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HousingWorks RI