RIH: Stakeholder workshops

RIHousing and the Rhode Island Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) are collaborating on the following to help guide policy decisions and prioritize the distribution of HUD funds and State housing investments:
  1. Strategic Housing Plan: to identify the current and future housing needs across Rhode Island for a variety of households and income levels;
  2. Five-year Consolidated Plan: to describe Rhode Island's community development priorities and goals based on an assessment of affordable housing and community development needs, market conditions and available resources; and
  3. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice: to identify barriers to housing choice for members of protected classes, along with a Fair Housing Action Plan that, if implemented, would work to alleviate or resolve the identified barriers.
The agencies intend to complete the above plans by May 2020 and utilize them to inform housing and community development priorities.

We are soliciting input on issues and opportunities related to seven topic areas described below. Please attend the sessions that align with your interests. Click here to view the workshop schedule and to RSVP.

Regulatory Concerns and Barriers to Development: State governance and fiscal capacity, zoning, education and housing, the real estate market, construction, public policy, regulatory environment.

Affordable and Accessible Housing, including Preservation of Affordable Housing: Affordability, factors impacting the cost and availability of affordable housing, how changing demographics are impacting housing needs, gentrification/displacement due to development pressure, public perception of affordable housing, both subsidized and naturally-occurring affordable housing (NOAH), gentrification/displacement due to development pressure, factors impacting rents and sales prices in LMI neighborhoods at risk for displacement or redevelopment, assisted units at risk for conversion to market-rate housing.

Housing for the Homeless and Special Needs Populations: Homelessness, economic empowerment, housing the homeless, special needs housing, housing for domestic violence survivors, housing for the elderly.

Healthy Housing and Healthy Neighborhoods: Housing as a health determinant, housing quality (age, condition, lead paint, accessibility, flooding potential), access to medical care (physical, mental), safe housing (free from drugs, alcohol, abuse), quality of neighborhood (walkability, amenities, street safety, etc.).

Extreme Weather and Climate Change Resilience: Flooding potential, energy efficiency of homes, natural disaster prevention, renewable energy sources.

Community Development: Public infrastructure, broadband access, public transit, access to community assets (education, employment, amenities, safe housing, etc.).

Poverty and Access to Employment and Small Business Development Opportunities: Reducing poverty, barriers to economic stability and growth, workforce development, access to community assets, affordable childcare, public transit, access to capital and small business development opportunities, small business development support, mismatch between job sector growth and housing availability, support for MBE/WBE/Section 3 businesses.

In addition to attending the Stakeholder Workshops, you can participate in this process through completing an online survey and let the state know what the needs are in your community. To complete the online survey, click here.

Courtesy of RIHousing

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RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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HousingWorks RI