RIH: Ancillary Financing Funding Round

Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Monday, June 24, 2019

RIHousing is pleased to announce the opening of a competitive funding round for theHOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and the Housing Trust Fund (HTF), initiatives of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We anticipate being able to award approximately$6 million in combined HOME and HTF funds for the development of affordable housing for low, very low, and extremely low-income households.
  • There is only one acceptable application form.It is posted on the RIHousing website at www.rihousing.com.
  • Incomplete applications, applications submitted on obsolete forms and those omitting the requested documentation will not be evaluated.
  • Applicants must submit three hard copies and one electronic version of the full application on CD or thumb drive to the address provided below.
  • Applicants may submit proposals for more than one project per funding round.
  • RIHousing reserves the right to adjust the fund source amount requested by any applicant based on need, demand, and project fit with available sources.
Funding Announcement (click here)
HOME/HTF Application (click here)
Market Analysis, Homeownership (click here)
Market Analysis, Rental (click here)

For questions regarding the program, please contactEric Alexander, Assistant Director of Development, atealexander@rihousing.com or Belinda Lill, Program Coordinator/Ancillary Financing at blill@rihousing.com.

Application Deadline: 5 p.m. EST, Monday, June 24, 2019

Courtesy of RIHousing

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Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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HousingWorks RI