Rhode Island Foundation: Annual Meeting

Dear Rhode Island community members,

This has been a challenging year for all of us. We are in the midst of an unprecedented health, economic, and social crisis and, while there is uncertainty and urgent, extreme need, there is also evidence of hope and generosity all around.

Many of you know that we made the decision early on to postpone our Annual Meeting. If ever there was a time to gather to celebrate community, generous donors, and Rhode Island's dedicated nonprofit organizations, this is it.

Unfortunately, we will have to wait until next year to gather in person.

So we ask you to save a new date — May 18, 2021 at the Rhode Island Convention Center.

In the meantime, we continue to encourage creativity, pragmatism, and boldness to ensure that the plans we make and the actions we take reflect where we want to be — not where we have been. We've endured so much, but hope abides and a better future awaits.

Hear more in this video.

Courtesy of Rhode Island Foundation

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