ProJo: Will a new $1 million report on RI's lack of housing lead to change?

Fewer people living together since 2019 is helping to drive demand for housing

Wheeler Cowperthwaite

The Providence Journal

  • Report highlights $1.3 billion in federal subsidies that went unused
  • Permitting makes it hard to build in Rhode Island but the report doesn't mention single-family zoning
  • Pushing a statewide housing goal touted as a way to build political will

Correction: The groups that helped pay for the report has been expanded.

A $1-million report commissioned by the Rhode Island Foundation to synthesize the research about the state's housing and homelessness crises has validated what the people who have been working in the arena have said for years, and some express hope that it will bring more political will to bear on solutions.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal.

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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