ProJo: Rally calls for affordable housing at Providence's Barbara Jordan II complex

Advocates with Direct Action for Rights and Equality, a Providence nonprofit advocating for renters and low-income residents, say they are concerned with how the redevelopment is being handled.

PROVIDENCE — Affordable-housing advocates rallied outside the vacant Barbara Jordan II housing complex on Saturday to call attention to the redevelopment process and ask that all of the units be replaced at prices affordable for the lowest-income residents.

Barbara Jordan II, a 74-unit affordable-housing project in South Providence, has been vacant for more than two years, and advocates with Direct Action for Rights and Equality, a Providence nonprofit that advocates for renters and low-income residents, say they are concerned with how the redevelopment is being handled.

“What we want is all 74 apartments brought back at a low- and very-low-income level,” said Malchus Mills, vice chairman of the board of Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE). “We need these apartments to be affordable for those that are making anywhere from $25,000 to $32,000 per year.”

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

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