ProJo: Marchers converge on R.I. State House in walk to fight hunger

PROVIDENCE — For 40 years, volunteers from nearly every faith have marched to the State House on Good Friday, part of a grassroots effort to raise money to supply food pantries and soup kitchens throughout Rhode Island.

Approximately 100 people gathered Friday morning on the lawn of the State House to come together in song and prayer and to rededicate themselves to the campaign to end hunger and homelessness.

Last year, the volunteers, who have the support of their parishes and congregations, raised $22,000. This year, they hope to double those donations.

Four decades ago, the Walk for Hunger was primarily the work of the Roman Catholic parishes in Providence. The participating groups and churches began to grow when the event's board of directors invited those of other denominations to participate.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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