ProJo: Bristol residents split on proposed Thames Street development

James Roiter is proposing a $10-million, three-story apartment/restaurant building in the town's historic waterfront district.

BRISTOL, R.I. — Bristol residents expressed deeply felt opinions both for and against a new apartment/restaurant building proposed for Thames Street on Thursday night.

Members of the town's Planning Board and Historic District Commission listened as resident after resident got up to the microphone.

The joint meeting was held in the auditorium of the Colt Andrews School. As of 9 p.m., when the meeting was suspended for a break, 14 residents had given their opinions: 7 in favor of the plan, 7 opposed.

Many of the proponents were business owners who said developer James Roiter's plan would give the town's economy a needed boost.

“I totally support it,” said Alayne White, who owns a high-end spa and skin care business on Constitution Street, lives above her shop, and employs 20 women. “I think it will be hip and cool, and I want more hip and cool.”

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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