ProJo: After 125 years of sheltering people, Crossroads embraces tougher mission

That mission: Helping homeless people find and keep housing, the platform upon which so much else in life depends.

PROVIDENCE — What started as a small committee formed to help women and girls find housing and employment has grown over the last century into the largest social-service agency in the state serving the homeless population.

Crossroads Rhode Island, which celebrates its 125th anniversary this month, has become so much more than a shelter for people experiencing homelessness, said Karen Santilli, president and CEO of Crossroads, as she walked through the halls of the organization's extensive Broad Street headquarters Wednesday.

The agency, which operates on an annual budget of around $14 million and serves over 3,500 people a year, provides emergency shelter but also offers job training programs and housing assistance and develops affordable housing projects around the state, Santilli said.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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