PHA: Visitor Policy updated for vendors, partners and others who enter PHA buildings in light of COVID-19

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) has updated its Visitor Policy for vendors, partners, and others entering PHA buildings in light of health risks associated with COVID-19. The Policy is only one of the many ways the PHA is working to protect residents, participants, partners, and staff during this pandemic.

Updated August 7, 2020


The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) takes seriously its responsibility to protect the safety and well being of all its tenants, and the COVID-19 pandemic has created substantial challenges for the agency in this area. In particular, the agency has been concerned with its high-rise buildings, which together hold more than 1,100 units of housing in close proximity, where residents share building entrances, hallways and elevators and social distancing is a challenge. In addition, the high-rise buildings tend to house some of those at highest risk for COVID-19 - two are open exclusively to elderly tenants, and the other four house elderly as well as younger adults with disabilities.

To view the complete policy, visit Providence Housing Authority

Courtesy of Providence Housing Authority

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