PBN: R.I. urged to create more 'deeply affordable' apartments to counter homelessness

By Mary MacDonald - January 23, 2019 5:34 pm

PROVIDENCE - Rhode Island has an increasing number of homeless individuals and families and will need to build as many as 2,500 truly affordable rental homes over five years to meet current demand.

In addition, the state needs to significantly increase the financial resources dedicated to providing housing for families and individuals who are homeless, according to a report released Wednesday by HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University.

The report, “How to End Long-Term Homelessness in Rhode Island,” was prepared and written by Eric L. Hirsch, with assistance from Annette Mann Bourne. Hirsch is a professor of sociology at Providence College whose expertise is in homelessness and urban sociology.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Business News

Courtesy of Providence Business News

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