PBN: Five Questions With: Jennifer Hawkins, November 2022

By Marc Larocque


Jennifer Hawkins has been the executive director at One Neighborhood Builders since 2017, and she has been credited with helping to double the capacity of the organization, as it adds to a portfolio of 466 units of affordable homes in Greater Providence that it developed throughout its nearly 35-year history. Now, One Neighborhood Builders is now trying to decide how to spend $1 million through a community-led participatory budgeting initiative, recently kicking off the effort with an idea collection phase. The $1 million comes from both a $450,000 grant from the R.I. Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and through private grant funding. The funding will go toward community assets and affordable housing in Elmhurst, Federal Hill, Hartford, Olneyville, Manton, Mount Pleasant, Valley, Silver Lake, and Smith Hill neighborhoods.

To read Jennifer's 5Qs, visit Providence Business News

Courtesy of Providence Business News

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