PBN: Five Questions With Carla DeStefano

Executive director, Stop Wasting Abandoned Property


1 What is SWAP's priority now in the Greater South Providence neighborhoods, and are rental apartments or homeownership the focus?

Our priority is to provide a range of affordable homes for sale and apartments for rent, so we work in both development areas concurrently. Much of the production timing is based upon the program funding available. Certainly, one of the large priorities for Providence right now is the redevelopment of the Barbara Jordan II housing project in Upper South Providence. Our proposal, in response to [an R.I. Housing and Mortgage Finance Corp.] request for proposal, will include very low-income rental apartments and incorporate homes for sale to entry-level, low-income buyers.

2 Can you provide an update on Revitalize Southside?

Revitalize Southside is a mixed-use development of affordable apartments and commercial spaces along the Broad Street and Prairie Avenue commercial corridors...

To read the complete article, visit Providence Business News.

Courtesy of Providence Business News

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