NYT: Are You Willing to Give Up Your Privilege?

Philanthropy alone won't save the American dream.

By Darren Walker
Mr. Walker is president of the Ford Foundation.

June 25, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET

I have lived on both sides of American inequality. I began life in the bottom 1 percent but found my way to the top. And I know, all too personally, that the distance between the two never has been greater.

Last winter, at a black-tie gala — the kind of event where guests pay $100,000 for a table — I joined some of New York's wealthiest philanthropists in an opulently decorated ballroom. I had the ominous sense that we were eating lobster on the Titanic.

To view the complete article, visit The New York Times

Courtesy of The New York Times
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