NLIHC: Sign onto Letter Urging HUD to Focus on Housing Needs of Lowest Income People In Disaster Recovery

The NLIHC-led Hurricane Housing Recovery Coalition drafted a new sign-on letter this week urging Congress and HUD to ensure that Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) resources be targeted towards housing for the lowest income people who have the greatest recovery needs.

Specifically, it urges that HUD:

  • Continue to require that 70% of CDBG-DR funds benefit low and moderate income disaster survivors;
  • Ensure housing remains the primary focus of CDBG-funded disaster recovery efforts; and,
  • Maintain avenues for disaster survivors to participate in decisions about how CDBG-DR funds are used.

These recommendations are in keeping with current CDBG-DR regulations, but some have encouraged HUD to waive the requirements. Doing so would make the recovery process even more difficult for low income individuals and families who have already been disproportionally impacted by recent disasters.


Please sign your organization onto this letter calling for equitable disaster recovery and the continuation of current regulations around the use of CDBG-DR funds.

The deadline to sign is Thursday, October 19.

Click Here to Sign the Letter Today!

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