NLIHC: HoUSed campaign sign-on letter

Hi there State Partners-

We are trying to push the #HoUSed campaign's sign-on letter up above 1,000 signatories. I know, I know, there have been a lot of sign-on letters recently. This one is pretty big, though. We will be sending it to Capitol Hill numerous times over the entire Congressional session, each time hoping to have achieved a bigger number. For this reason, it'll be an ever-growing letter of supporters, and we are going to keep it open.

Will you put a quick blurb in your respective e-blasts about the campaign? To those of you have already done so: thanks! To those of you haven't: there is a template attached with some instructions and suggestions. Just a couple of paragraphs for you to put into an upcoming email to your respective networks.

Please note that I am encouraging groups to also include the list of signers in your state. Using this tactic is often helpful because 1) many organizations probably THINK they are already on the letter but they are actually thinking of a previous letter that they signed - indeed this might even include several of you; and 2) peer pressure totally works and really it always has. If organizations in your state wanna sit with the cool kids, then they should add their names to this letter. To access the current list of signers in your state, we're keeping the most up-to-date list at this link.

Courtesy of NLIHC

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