NHC: Promising Health and Housing Collaborations Report

Funded by a grant from the Kresge Foundation, the National Housing Conference (NHC) convened a series of health and housing working group meetings to bring together practitioners from both the nonprofit and for-profit affordable housing sphere with health care organizations. The objective was to explore practical and actionable ways that housing developers can work together with health systems and managed care organizations to build new affordable housing units while reducing unreimbursed medical costs in high-cost populations. Over the course of nine months, the group worked to identify the necessary next steps in order to foster more direct investment by health organizations in affordable housing, while identifying challenges that continue to require mitigating strategies.

For more information or to schedule an interview with the author, please contact Andrea Nesby, Sr. Marketing & Communications Associate, at (202) 466-2121, ext. 240, or anesby@nhc.org.

To download the report, click here.

Courtesy of National Housing Conference

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