Newport This Week: Action Needed Now for Affordable Senior Housing


To the Editor:

The need for affordable senior housing has been on the Middle­town Town Council docket since April 2017. Early in 2018, the Town Council met with a local non-profit provider as well as HousingWorksRI to discuss options.

Subsequently, the Town Council formed a Senior Housing Sub-Com­mittee which, after multiple meet­ings, finally recommended in De­cember 2018 that the Town Council hire a consultant to advise the town about developing senior housing units.

At the March 4, 2019 meeting, after reviewing the proposed Fea­sibility Study, Town Council voted not to authorize it, based on con­sensus that $22,500 to compile in­formation in 4 months that was al­ready available was not a good use of funds, not to mention the antici­pated 2 to 3 years for the project to actually get underway,

To view the complete article, visit Newport This Week

Courtesy of Newport This Week

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