NeighborWorks America: Making every community a place of opportunity

NeighborWorks America's Report to the Community

Our mission is to make every community in America a place of opportunity. To make that vision possible, we must create pathways out of poverty, paving the way for individuals, families and communities to overcome situational as well as social barriers to achieve their goals.

NeighborWorks America and our network of more than 245 grassroots nonprofits have been committed to this mission for 40 years. Among our key learnings is that everything is interconnected. Having a safe, affordable place to call home is critical, but that's hard to maintain without access to educational opportunities; a secure, sufficient source of income; and good physical health. No one strategy can be successful by itself. That's why we embrace and support a "comprehensive community development" framework, in which we focus both on places and people, supported by systems and programs that facilitate success.

In this community report, we highlight a few examples from the past year of how we are creatively and effectively empowering people, revitalizing places and implementing programs that make it all possible.

Jeffrey Bryson
Interim President and CEO
NeighborWorks America

Read the Community Report

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