Narragansett Times: SKTC addresses affordable housing needs
By: KENDRA GRAVELLE | Feb. 16, 2018
SOUTH KINGSTOWN—The town council voted during its meeting Monday to use a portion of the money in its affordable housing trust fund for consulting services to make amendments to the town's zoning ordinance to better address the need for affordable housing.
The town council voted as part of its capital improvement plan last year to allocate $100,000 to an affordable housing trust fund to be used partially to “permit the engagement of consulting services to conduct a comprehensive analysis of affordable housing needs in the community,” in order to “outline potential policy and programmatic directions to consider that may better align our efforts concerning affordable housing in South Kingstown.”
But after a request for proposals (RFP) sent out last fall yielded no responses, Barbara Fields, executive director of Rhode Island Housing, visited the town to discuss the need for an additional housing supply to meet an imminent demand.
To view the complete article, visit The Narragansett Times
Courtesy of The Narragansett Times
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