MassNAHRO Position Announcement: Executive Director

MassNAHRO, the leading housing and community development advocate for the provision and preservation of adequate and affordable housing for those with low and moderate incomes, is seeking a dynamic new Executive Director. Based in Boston, MassNAHRO serves members comprising approximately 240 public housing agencies and more than 1,300 publicly elected and appointed officials throughout the Commonwealth.

The Organization

The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials (MassNAHRO) was established in 1972. It parallels and complements the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) as an official state chapter. MassNAHRO is primarily concerned with the policies of State agencies and State programs and the implications of national policies at the state and local levels. Members own or manage almost 50,000 state-funded public housing units, more than 33,000 federally-funded public housing units, 4,200 state-funded rental assistance units and 55,000 federal Section 8 units. The MassNAHRO Code of Conduct emphasizes adherence to the highest degree of professionalism and promotion of the public interest by all members. Please see

MassNAHRO's services include:

§ Monthly information concerning pertinent Federal and State legislation, issues impacting housing and community development programs, policy changes and other matters of importance to members.

§ Professional development opportunities including educational and technical workshops, seminars and conferences utilizing expert trainers and leaders in the field. MassNAHRO offers both the Massachusetts Public Housing Administrator and Board Member Certification Programs at various locations across the state on a continual basis.

§ Representation at the State Legislature, the MA Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Members also have access to publications, an awards program, discounts on products and services, networking opportunities and service on standing committees. MassNAHRO also administers an insurance plan that offers worker's compensation coverage to members.

MassNAHRO was instrumental in public housing reform and the passage of Chapter 235 of the Acts of 2014 - An Act Relative to Local Housing Authorities: Chapter 235 provides innovative strategies designed to assist Authorities with capital improvement, purchasing, unit turn over, wait list management and interagency collaborations. MassNAHRO worked closely with the Joint Committee on Housing, State Senators and Representatives, local housing authority staff, residents and other local officials to achieve the positive sweeping changes to the oversight, governance and operation of local housing authorities brought about by this blueprint for the future.

MassNAHRO is governed by a Board of Directors of approximately 20 housing authority Executive Directors/Commissioners. The new Executive Director will succeed long-time well-respected leader Tom Connelly who has recently retired.

The Position

The Executive Director reports directly to the MassNAHRO Board of Directors and serves as the spokesperson, liaison and coordinator with all major stakeholders of the Association. S/he is accountable for the Association's financial performance and is responsible for daily management of all operations of MassNAHRO. We seek a leader with intellect, initiative, integrity and flexibility to work with an active membership; respect and humility to honor the impressive work done to date; and creativity to lead the Association to new levels of service.

Key Responsibilities

§ External Leadership: Advocate on behalf of MassNAHRO members for needed affordable housing and community development laws and policies and involve members as appropriate. Develop relationships with legislators, other public officials, federal and state agencies such as HUD and DHCD, peer membership organizations, and local, state and national leaders. Serve as spokesperson concerning the business and governmental affairs of the Association as directed by the Board and manage the Association's media relations.

§ Financial Oversight: Prepare an annual budget and manage financial affairs within the approved budget. Present transparent financial reports and immediately communicate any financial or fiduciary issues to the Board. Explore new and innovative avenues for revenue generation.

§ Association Management: Manage the Association on an ongoing basis including provision of all services promised to members as part of their Association dues. Oversee provision of professional development services and programs for members, and advocate on behalf of the membership.

§ Personnel Management: Maintain and follow appropriate policies for hiring, discipline and termination of staff. Provide day-to-day direction, delegation and control for the staff, maintaining a high performing and productive environment of talented and enthusiastic employees.

§ Interaction with the Board: Report to and confer with the Board of Directors, providing information to help the Board in strategic planning and formulating effective policies. Support the board in effective governance, ensure the effectiveness of the committee structure, and provide staff support to committees. Facilitate monthly board meetings. Implement policies of the Association as determined by the Board, reporting to the Board on progress and completion of assigned tasks and goals. Execute, secure and maintain corporate documents and commitments as authorized by the Board.

§ Member communication: Encourage membership in the Association and maintain active, supportive relationships with members. Regularly provide members with up-to-date and accurate information pertinent to the goals and decisions of the Association as well as legislative updates. Attend meetings of related organizations to provide updates on Association activities and generate support of Association priorities. Generate informative articles for monthly newsletters and take an active role at related conferences and events.

Desired Skills, Experience and Characteristics

§ Commitment to the mission and dedication to affordable housing, public housing and/or community development

§ Experience in affordable housing, public housing and/or community development administration

§ Up-to-date knowledge of programs and policies governing affordable housing, public housing and/or community development

§ Experience in legislative and policy advocacy/government relations and outstanding advocacy skills

§ Proven experience successfully managing an organization including financial and staff management

§ Experience working with a board of directors

§ Proven ability to successfully manage critical, strategic relationships with partners

§ Strong team orientation and evidence of collaborative and respectful work style

§ Ability and experience as a dynamic and compelling spokesperson

§ Exceptional oral, written, listening and interpersonal communications skills

§ Association management experience/certification a plus.

To Apply in confidence, please send cover letter and resume to Susan Egmont, Egmont Associates,

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