LPI: Takes Action to Address Concerns of the COVID-19 Crisis

LPI Presents: Town Hall with Dr. Pablo Rodriguez

Join us on Friday, April 24th at 3PM.

During these difficult times it's important that as a community we come together to learn about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This Virtual town hall with Dr. Pablo Rodriguez we want to share Information and help answer any questions or concerns you may have about COVID-19.

Register here.

Supporting Undocumented Immigrants during the COVID-19 Crisis.

Join Us on Wednesday April 29th at 1PM

Please join The Economic Progress Institute, The Immigrant Coalition of RI, and The Latino Policy Institute on a webinar with local experts to learn about resources for health care, income supports, food assistance, housing and utility protection. Public charge and USCIS concerns will be discussed.

Register here.

Courtesy of Latino Policy Institute at RWU
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One Empire Plaza
Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

A project of
HousingWorks RI