LPI Presents: Mayors Leading During COVID-19
LPI Presents: Mayors Leading During COVID-19 During the COVID-19 crisis we have seen communities come together to share and provide resources to those who need it the most, especially chronically underserved individuals.
The Latino Policy Institute will chat with Mayors from some of our local cities which have been seen the largest impact of COVID-19 among their communities of color, especially, Latinos. We'll talk about what their administrations and local community organizations are doing to support vulnerable individuals as well as what precautions and measures they will take as Rhode Island looks into reopening.
If you have any questions or concerns you'd like the Mayors to address, share them with us HERE.
Join us on Monday, May 4th at 3PM.
Please Register HERE
We look forward to this important conversation & having you there!
Courtesy of Latino Policy Institute at RWU
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