Kent County Daily Times: WWHA strategic plan objectives nearly complete

As of last month, housing authority has met 138 of 139 objectives ahead of schedule, executive director said.


WEST WARWICK -- When he stepped into the executive director position at the West Warwick Housing Authority in 2017, Stephen O'Rourke faced the daunting tasks of fixing the trouble plaguing the organization and reversing the bad reputation it had earned over the years prior.

"When I arrived there, the housing authority really wasn't well organized," O'Rourke said Thursday recounting the rampant financial issues.

And less than three years later, having met nearly every one of more than 100 objectives identified following O'Rourke's arrival, the housing authority has taken some significant steps forward.

To view the complete article, visit The Kent County Daily Times

Courtesy of The Kent County Daily Times

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