Join state leaders on October 26 for the Oxford Place & Gardens Ribbon Cutting

Join special guests Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI 1st District), Mayor Jorge Elorza and the leadership of RIHousing and Preservation of Affordable Housing along with supporters and residents of Oxford Place & Gardens affordable housing.

Friday, October 26 at 11:00 am
in the community room of Oxford Place 200 Gordon Ave. Providence, Rhode Island

Please park on Gordon Avenue or surrounding streets

RSVP to or 617-449-0861

Oxford Place and Oxford Gardens were originally developed by Peoples Redevelopment Corporation (PRC), a community nonprofit organization. The buildings were constructed in 1978 and 1989 respectively, and were supported by financing from RIHousing. After nearly three decades of ownership, PRC selected Boston-based Preservation of Affordable Housing to carry on their important work and ensure preservation of the developments.

Under the terms of the financing, POAH combined both properties into one ownership entity and extended the affordability of the apartments for an additional 40 years. With support from lenders and investors, POAH has made renovations that sustain the character and will carry on the positive impact of Oxford Place & Gardens for many years to come.

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One Empire Plaza
Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

A project of
HousingWorks RI