HousingSearchRI: Faith based initiative

The Faith-based Housing Initiative is a way of connecting members of faith-based communities with programs that assist in moving forward their mission for social justice.

This is a simple initiative - there are people in your community who are in need of housing and members of the faith-based community who own housing units. This is a way to put your faith in action by valuing the principles of compassion and community and take part in a national, evidence-based supportive housing program to prevent and address homelessness. Supportive Housing combines affordable housing with services; the renter is offered support from a community based provider and the landlord has access to the service provider to assist with tenant relations. The housing owner receives a subsidy that pays 70% of the rent and the renter pays the balance. This is a "win/win" for the landlord and their neighbor in need of safe, affordable housing. If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, contact Michelle Brophy at michelle.brophy@bhddh.ri.gov, if you would like to learn more about housingsearchri.org, contact Knijia Sailsman at ksailsman@rihousing.com or if you would like to register as a potential landlord go to http://www.housingsearchri.org.

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One Empire Plaza
Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

A project of
HousingWorks RI