GoLocal Prov: 15,000 RI Families Living in Public Housing Are Now Protected from Secondhand Smoke, Says RI Lung

Monday, July 30, 2018

According to the American Lung Association, a new smokefree housing rule from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will protect as many as 15,000 RI families who are currently living in public housing communities from secondhand smoke.

The American Lung Association applauds the new rule issued by the Trump administration, which the health organization says “recognizes the serious health threat posed by secondhand smoke, and its ability to linger in rooms and even travel between homes in multi-unit housing.”

“Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy life, and ensuring homes are free from the risks of secondhand smoke is a critical step for the health of residents,” said Jeff Seyler, Chief Division Officer of the American Lung Association. “This is especially true for children and those who are more vulnerable to the impact of second smoke, such as those living with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Today we're making a healthier future for Rhode Island and our nation.”

To view the complete article, visit GoLocal Prov

Courtesy of GoLocal Prov

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