FHLBB: The 2018 AHP funding round opens June 11!

Attention Lenders and Affordable Housing Developers:

The 2018 AHP is coming!

The FHLB Boston's Affordable Housing Program 2018 funding round opens four weeks earlier this year on Monday, June 11. Applications are due Thursday, August 2. Approximately $18.1 million in AHP subsidy is available.

Developers and Members interested in affordable housing development and preservation should register for the AHP training in Providence on June 5. On-line webinars are also available. For more information and to register, visit their website. Links below.

Full information is available on our website, including the round announcement and notice of changes:http://www.fhlbboston.com/communitydevelopment/ahp/03_01_03_apply.jsp

Regional AHP trainings also include Springfield (June 14) and Boston (July 12) as well as other locations. Please register for any of our trainings or online webinars at:http://www.fhlbboston.com/events/index.jsp.

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Providence, RI 02903

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