EPI: Latest COVID-19 Resources
We are releasing several new COVID-19 related fact sheets to help Rhode Islanders navigate accessing benefits and programs during this crisis. These fact sheets focus on three areas: Materials for Immigrants ·Resources for Undocumented Immigrants in Rhode Island (English and Spanish) ·Resources for DACA, TPS, and DED Holders in Rhode Island (English and Spanish) Materials Explaining Federal and State Paid Leave and UI ·Understanding Rhode Island and Federal Paid Leave and Unemployment (English, Spanish to come soon) Materials on Food Supports - SNAP and WIC ·What to Know About SNAP (English, Spanish to come soon) ·What to Know About WIC (English, Spanish to come soon) All of these materials, as well as other resources, can be found on the Institute's new COVID-19 page, which also includes all of our fact sheets related to COVID-19.We will continue to provide more materials and update these as things change. | |
Moratorium on Evictions Extended On April 8, the state judiciary continued the closure of courts for all non-essential matters, including evictions through May 17.This functions as a moratorium evictions because the courts will not move them forward, even if they are filed, during this period. Important information for tenants are in these fact sheets published by HomesRI. ·Homes RI Tenant FAQ - ENGLISH (as of 3.23.2020) ·Homes RI Tenant FAQ -SPANISH (as of 3.23.2020) (Note that the dates need to be updated, but the basic information is the same.) | |
Courtesy of Economic Progress Institute
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