Enterprise: Community Developments: Enterprise Partners with Houses of Worship to Provide Affordable Housing

Posted By: Olivia Barrow, Christian Whitmer, Shaun-Dae Clark

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Community Developments: Enterprise Partners with Houses of Worship to Provide Affordable Housing

  • An article in the Washington Post highlights the growing role of houses of worship in providing affordable housing in the Baltimore-Washington corridor and elsewhere in the country. Enterprise's Mid-Atlantic Market Leader David Bowers notes in the article that when Enterprise started its Faith-Based Development Initiative (FBDI) in 2006, there was substantial skepticism about the ability of houses of worship to play this role. Since then, however, shrinking congregations and growing need for affordable housing has increased interest, and successful developments have shown the impact of this approach. FBDI has helped seven houses of worship in metropolitan Washington complete developments and is currently working with roughly two dozen others across the mid-Atlantic. The initiative is looking to expand to additional cities and encourages municipalities and other stakeholders to consider faith-based development and to provide affordable housing. (The Washington Post, July 16)
  • On Friday, HUD announced a $43 million demonstration program designed to curb youth homelessness by funding a variety of interventions, including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The award will be distributed to 11 communities — six metro areas and five rural areas — and will also support innovative programs such as host homes. HUD relied on young people who have experienced homelessness themselves to help review the applications and select communities to receive funding. (HUD, July 13)

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Courtesy of Enterprise

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