Convergence RI: Will housing investments make the budget priority list?

By Richard Asinof
Posted 5/18/20
PROVIDENCE - No one doubts the mounting evidence that the current housing crisis in Rhode Island is severe and needs to be addressed, even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and the projected FY 2021 state budget deficit estimated to be more than $800 million.
The inaugural Rhode Island Life Index, produced by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island in partnership with the School of Public Health at Brown University, found that the lack of affordable housing was the top priority identified. [See link below to ConvergenceRI story, “Taking the pulse of Rhode Island life.”]
As Kim Keck, president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island put it, when she introduced the findings at the public release of the Rhode Island Life Index on Oct. 23, 2019, “Zip code is more important than genetic code” in determining health outcomes.”
That finding was magnified and reinforced by a coalition of housing advocates, “Homes RI,” at its inaugural conference held on Dec. 11 at Rhode Island College.
Courtesy of Convergence RI
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