Convergence RI: Why not just move? It is often not a choice

In the wake of the tragic fire that swept through three properties on Bowdoin Street in Olneyville, Jennifer Hawkins, executive director of ONE Neighborhood Builders, says we need to reframe the conversation

By Jennifer Hawkins
Posted 1/15/18
PROVIDENCE - I attended a NeighborWorks America gathering recently, where I heard an impressive talk given by Tiffany Manuel, vice president of knowledge, impact and strategy at Enterprise Community Partners, concerning the intersection of race, diversity, inclusion and affordable housing development.

Last weekend a devastating fire engulfed three properties along Bowdoin Street in the Olneyville neighborhood of Providence, leaving one person dead and displacing nearly two-dozen residents.

In the aftermath, I thought about something that Manuel had said during her talk: Manuel offered a casual but hard-hitting aside, which I am paraphrasing: “How many times have you heard that the response to a lack of decent, affordable housing is a U-Haul?”

To view the complete article, visit Convergence RI

Courtesy of Convergence RI

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