Brookings: Campaign 2020: How to fix America's housing policies

Author: Jenny Schuetz

At the third round of Democratic debates this week, moderators should ask candidates their position on a serious kitchen table issue: the increasing difficulty many Americans face in paying their monthly rent or mortgage. On the campaign trail, candidates are talking more about housing than in any other presidential election in recent history. The renewed attention reflects both economic realities and political ones.

Over the past 20 years, housing costs as a share of income have increased for middle- and low-income Americans, putting more financial pressure on families. Affordability problems are particularly acute for younger, non-white households living in large urban areas—key Democratic constituencies. The 10 candidates appearing on the debate stage this week offer several different approaches to relieving housing stress. In this blog post, I set out a set of criteria to help voters evaluate candidates' housing policy proposals.

To view the complete article, visit Brookings

Courtesy of Brookings
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