Bristol Phoenix: Editorial: Affordable housing proposal gets boost from a bad law

Posted Thursday, May 7, 2020 12:00 pm

Residents across Warren, and Bristol as well, should keep a wary eye on a proposed affordable housing development along the Kickemuit Reservoir. With plans to build 108 apartments in dual, four-story buildings, the complex could have enormous impact on demand for public services, most notably schools.

Consider how many new children could land in the Bristol Warren school district if this proposal turns to reality.

Opponents are angry about the loss of open space, the impact on surrounding neighborhoods and the dense concentration of low-income homes, but their anger should be channeled in the right direction — a state law that emasculates town zoning codes in favor of any developer who brings deed-restricted affordable homes to a community. Under this law, which should have been modified years ago, developers can bulldoze farm fields, chop down forests, build obscenely dense complexes and pave the majority of green space, all in the name of “affordable housing.”

To view the full editorial, visit Bristol Phoenix

Courtesy of Bristol Phoenix

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