Boston Globe: 'Redlining never really went away': Black Rhode Islanders still face racism when buying a home

While 62 percent of all Rhode Islanders owned a home in 2019, only 34 percent of Black Rhode Islanders did, according to a newly published report by Brown University researchers.

By Alexa Gagosz Globe Staff

Updated March 10, 2022, 4:10 p.m.

PROVIDENCE — The day after Thanksgiving in 2011, Diana Garlington got a call that would cause her world to crumble. Her daughter, Esscence, who had plans to one day become a lawyer, was stopped at a traffic light in Providence when a car came up beside her and opened fire. Esscence, 21, was killed. She was not the target and the gunman was never caught.

To view the complete article, visit the Boston Globe

Courtesy of Boston Globe

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