Boston Globe: R.I. wants to borrow $65m for affordable housing. Advocates say it's a start, but not a solution

Question No. 3 in next week's special election offers s short-term fix, but long-term housing issues remain in the Ocean State

By Brian Amaral Globe Staff,Updated February 25, 2021, 7:23 a.m.

PROVIDENCE — Wendy Thomas lives in an apartment by Washington and Dean streets, right near the police and fire stations.

The fire trucks are usually careful about leaving their lights and sirens off when they drive by late at night, but not always. Thomas, who is 61 and lives on Social Security disability in a supportive housing development, would like more space than she currently has in her small studio, where a desk, table, a bed and a futon take up about half the floorspace.

To view the complete article, visit The Boston Globe

Courtesy of The Boston Globe

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