Block Island Times: Cherry Hill Lane to be rebid

With budget of $1.4 million
Thu, 02/14/2019 - 7:30pm
Category: News

The Block Island Housing Board has revised the bidding process for its Cherry Hill Lane subdivision project.

The board said at its most recent meeting that the budget for the project will be $1.4 million and the new RFP will consist of two parts: one for site work and the other for construction.

After some rethinking of the project, the board voted unanimously (4-0) at its meeting on Feb. 20 to issue the RFP for constructing five single-family dwellings on its 4.5-acre property, which is located off Cooneymus Road. The motion was made by Millie McGinnes and seconded by Rosemary Tobin. Members Kay McManus and John Spier were absent.

The lower of two bidders during an initial round of bids in the fall came back $800,000 over budget. Connecticut Valley Homes, based in East Lyme, Conn., bid $2,623,970 for modular construction, while East Greenwich-based Zarrella Development Corp., bid $3,414,350 using the stick-built construction method. The project calls for construction of two two-bedroom dwellings and three three-bedroom homes.

To view the complete article, visit The Block Island Times

Courtesy of The Block Island Times

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