Barrington Times: Residents in need opt to make homes more affordable

Some Spencer Trust recipients deed-restrict their homes in exchange for renovations

By Josh Bickford

Bill Bentley is helping people, and he is helping the town.

The administrator the Spencer Trust has, for the last seven months, been helping people locate the services and finances to improve their lives. For some people, it's a no-interest loan for home improvements. For others, it's a grant to build a new walkway in their yard.

Mr. Bentley has also accessed some of the $400,000 allocated from the Spencer Trust account to the town's housing board. The money is dedicated to creating more affordable houses in Barrington through a renovation program - the town will help improve a resident's home in exchange for the resident deed-restricting the property “affordable.”

“They like the idea - they almost feel like they're contributing to the town, because “I'm making my house affordable so someone else can live in town,'” said Mr. Bentley. “It's very interesting to see that loyalty to the town.”

To view the complete article, visit Barrington Times

Courtesy of the Barrington Times

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